Home Office Design

A Dedicated Space that You Enjoy

An “office” doesn’t have to be a whole separate room or contain a big desk. Efficiency comes when everything needed to do “office work” is accessible to where you want to work. And enjoyment comes when you’ve made that space your own.

Positive black woman sits crossed legs, dressed in striped sailor sweater, holds some papers busy with preparing report, learns scientific literature, uses laptop, drinks hot beverage, works from home

You Can Benefit From…

  • Having a dedicated space for office work and storage
  • Keeping items and documents used most often in the most accessible location
  • Eliminating the random piles all over the house.
  • Knowing where to put documents and where to find them when you need them again
  • Making use of a “tickler” file.
  • Learning to use a “self-purging” file system
  • Having a customized workflow that puts what you need in front of you when you need it



a consultation.


Work together

to arrange a dedicated space to function the way that you like to work.



a space that you want to be in and facilitates efficiency at the same time.